10-11-12: This project is a response to a shared desire to speak about being women in a process of transition through biological, social and political change.
Finding ourselves in the middle ground, middle aged, mid-career and menopausal, we embarked on a journey of finding words, sounds and songs to share our lived experiences of being in the world.
As artists, as teachers and friends with something to say about how it feels to be alive from the perspective of being in our mid-fifties, we began writing and producing stories.
We embraced the idea and practice of developing a slow research process and have shared our work with audiences at various online and in person festival platforms including the Roy Hart Vocal Research Centre, Malérargues, France; Gateshead International Festival of Theatre (GIFT) UK; the Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (ESMAE) Porto, Portugal and the House of Arts and Literature in Pécs, Hungary (forthcoming).
Who are these female time travellers who keep showing up in our stories?
Working in tandem, over an extended period of time, which included two years of lockdown in one form or another, our conversations ranged over wide terrain and across territory.
Heat and Sweat
Lifelines and Lineages
Embodying the Archive
The following questions re-emerged as we navigated our way through the process:
How could we travel lightly on the earth?
Who are these female time travellers who keep showing up in our stories?
What sort of artists are lurking under the skin of our bodies trying to get out?
How will we ‘find forms to accommodate the mess’? (Beckett)
We were born on December 10 and 11 in 1966.
The idea of making a full concept album, which we could share with our professional communities and wider audiences came from feedback we received in response to our first tracks Looking Towards Poland and You Change It All.
The eventual collection of musical material will gather works made in a range of forms including spoken word, song, utterance and critical conversations under the album title Umbilical Chords.
Looking towards Poland
© Teresa Brayshaw & Walli Höfinger
Change it all
© Teresa Brayshaw & Walli Höfinger
And now
© Teresa Brayshaw & Walli Höfinger

Bernhard Bamberger
sound & editing

Walli Höfinger
writing & voice

Teresa Brayshaw
writing & voice
All dialogue is a monologue which somebody else witnesses
Born 1966 in England. Teresa Brayshaw is a theatre maker, teacher and Feldenkrais Practitioner (FGUK 2013), who lives in Manchester and currently works at Salford University, Performers College and The Arden School of Theatre UK.
She works as a director, researcher and collaborator across a number of international, interdisciplinary and intergenerational EU Funded projects including Cinage Live, ATIPIA, Weaving Voices as well as practice led research collaborations with Catherine Laws. She curates Cultural Conversations at SIBFEST Romania.
She co-edited both the 20th & 21st Century Performance Readers (2013, 2020 Routledge). She speaks English and Spanish.
Born 1966 in Austria. Walli Höfinger is a performance artist, voice performer and accredited Roy Hart Voice Center Teacher (Malérargues, France 2009) who lives and works at Gutshof Reichenow near Berlin.
Her artistic work currently focuses on experimental work on the voice, writing her own texts as well as voice and piano compositions. She works equally solo and collaborates with Christiane Hommelsheim, Jonathan Hart-Makwaia, Biliana Voutchkova, Ingo Reulecke, Teresa Brayshaw, and others.
She regularly teaches voice workshops in Germany and throughout Europe. She speaks German, English and French.
Born in 1964 in Austria. Bernhard Bamberger studied sound engineering as well as film directing and screenwriting at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna.
He works as a sound designer and film editor in Vienna.
For UMBILICAL CHORDS he collaborates on the creation of soundscapes and supervises the recording, mixing and mastering of the entire project.